The Glass Slipper
Yesterday I was feeling like the ugly step sister-
Went with Clare and Jen to try on my 'lust list' shoes, only to find that the 'glass slipper' didn't fit-

At first I thought it was because I was rushed, perhaps I'd tried on the wrong size-so I went back-
Nope- they just don't fit-
I was crushed- every Cinderella in the world would be wearing MY shoe, but me.
I actually had a pity party that went like this:
Naw---- I'll spare you-
But today, the most fabulous thing happened-
Got a text from Tennille:
When r u going to Brown's?
Want to meet there and have coffee?
Tennille is the most amazing-
-Accomplished violinist
-Wonderful teacher
Back to Brown's- the shoe quest continues-
Can I just say, there is nothing like staying local for important things like-
Coffee-Today (compliments of Tennille) was Andrea Christina's Chi Latte iced! (I'm actually dying to take my honey Ryan there for a lunch date-- their soup and sandwiches are heavenly)
Shoes- for me, Brown's is it. I've never felt rushed, they actually help you- AND they have great shoes.
But, i digress-back to the 'glass slipper'-
I've been wearing Asics-

And, while I like them, I was ready to try something else.
Ok, it's actually just a color thing-
why are tennis shoes white???? (I actually just googled this question--- nobody seems to know)
So, lust list shoes out-
Now what?
Yesterday, Brown's had suggested Brooks, and I have to admit, I pushed back a bit-
at first glance, they seemed a bit clunky, older? ---
I don't know-
But- yesterday at violin lessons- Tennille had mentioned them, and last night, my friend Karalea had mentioned them- it must be fate-
Tried one pair on, and I was hooked--

I know they look crazy- but you have to run down to Browns and try these on!!!!!
Tennille raved about the Green Silence style yesterday, now I know why-
I've never tried on a shoe that 'felt like home' *sigh*
But I didn't buy them- (*double sigh*)
They are on the edge of minimalist- a big switch from what I run in now- I need to transition-and fast!
My choice-

Come to find out, it's on Brown's best seller list-
Going to treadmill them tomorrow-
Keep you posted
There's nothing like a new pair of shoes!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Went with Clare and Jen to try on my 'lust list' shoes, only to find that the 'glass slipper' didn't fit-

At first I thought it was because I was rushed, perhaps I'd tried on the wrong size-so I went back-
Nope- they just don't fit-
I was crushed- every Cinderella in the world would be wearing MY shoe, but me.
I actually had a pity party that went like this:
Naw---- I'll spare you-
But today, the most fabulous thing happened-
Got a text from Tennille:
When r u going to Brown's?
Want to meet there and have coffee?
Tennille is the most amazing-
-Accomplished violinist
-Wonderful teacher
Back to Brown's- the shoe quest continues-
Can I just say, there is nothing like staying local for important things like-
Coffee-Today (compliments of Tennille) was Andrea Christina's Chi Latte iced! (I'm actually dying to take my honey Ryan there for a lunch date-- their soup and sandwiches are heavenly)
Shoes- for me, Brown's is it. I've never felt rushed, they actually help you- AND they have great shoes.
But, i digress-back to the 'glass slipper'-
I've been wearing Asics-

And, while I like them, I was ready to try something else.
Ok, it's actually just a color thing-
why are tennis shoes white???? (I actually just googled this question--- nobody seems to know)
So, lust list shoes out-
Now what?
Yesterday, Brown's had suggested Brooks, and I have to admit, I pushed back a bit-
at first glance, they seemed a bit clunky, older? ---
I don't know-
But- yesterday at violin lessons- Tennille had mentioned them, and last night, my friend Karalea had mentioned them- it must be fate-
Tried one pair on, and I was hooked--

I know they look crazy- but you have to run down to Browns and try these on!!!!!
Tennille raved about the Green Silence style yesterday, now I know why-
I've never tried on a shoe that 'felt like home' *sigh*
But I didn't buy them- (*double sigh*)
They are on the edge of minimalist- a big switch from what I run in now- I need to transition-and fast!
My choice-

Come to find out, it's on Brown's best seller list-
Going to treadmill them tomorrow-
Keep you posted
There's nothing like a new pair of shoes!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone