No walking- Just Leaning
Today's run was a Saturday run.
I actually thought about getting my long run in today, even set my alarm the night before, but turned it off when it tried to get me up (I don't like being told what to do)
That left me waking up late, scrambling to get out the door-
Starting late, this run was already shaping up to be different; why not 'shake' things up and bring my headphones?
Headphones have been left at home lately, trying to get myself able to run on my own without entertainment...
But today I was running on the wild side! HA!
I told myself, as I turned them on, there would be no walking on this run- end of story.
Looking at my training schedule, this week had me running 4, 5, and 11 miles-
11 was out, leaving a 4 or 5 left for the run.
Planning runs are getting easier. I try to add something unexpected in each run to keep it exciting, but It helps when you have a few routes plotted mile-wise, so you can stitch them together to create a great run.
I started up the hill out of our neighborhood, usually a warmup walk- only today keeping my promise to myself, I ran.
It felt good
It felt great.
My plan was to run up College then onto Pinion- but as I ran up college, I felt a strange feeling in my left foot-- like I was running at too much of an angle- extra pressure building on my left side-
I had to make a snap decision-
I changed my course- choosing to turn off into the San Juan College campus.
This was a good choice, the road flattened out.
It felt good.
It felt great.
I started thinking about form and pace.
I'm realizing that, when I first started out running, I really didn't have the muscle tone needed to even begin a run. That is slowly changing. I'm encouraged by the way my body is responding, and can feel myself getting stronger. The more core strength, the better my posture, the more supported my run, the faster and farther I can go.
Speaking of faster and farther, my first mile down, and I was on task to slice away at my usual pace time.
That's when Charlie stopped by-
I remember as a kid getting Charlie Horses, But I forgot how they hurt!
Maybe I didn't drink enough, or stretch enough, or maybe I was pushing my body too hard. For whatever reason, a Charlie Horse was it's response. Wow- did it hurt!
I started to walk, but remembered my promise to run.
I needed a diversion, something to keep me moving, but give me time to work out this pain.
I knew just where to go-
I've run by it often-

'The Shepherdess'
Always reminds me of Psalm 23:
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."
I've heard some runners count, some sing, but whenever I'm needing to get my pace back I say:
All *step*step*step
Things *step*step*step
Through *step*step*step
Christ *step*step*step
Not *step*step*step
Through *step*step*step
My *step*step*step
Self *step*step*step
It worked- I pushed through and picked up the pace-
No walking on this run- end of story!
It felt good.
It felt great.
I shaved a minute off my usual pace for all if my miles but 1!
Note: my pace was still only around 13 min/mile- but for me, this is a milestone- and I celebrate it!
As I wound my way back toward home, I thought about how
setting a simple goal-
and not relying on myself-
helped me through my entire run.
No walking on this run- end of story!
It felt good-
It felt great-

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I actually thought about getting my long run in today, even set my alarm the night before, but turned it off when it tried to get me up (I don't like being told what to do)
That left me waking up late, scrambling to get out the door-
Starting late, this run was already shaping up to be different; why not 'shake' things up and bring my headphones?
Headphones have been left at home lately, trying to get myself able to run on my own without entertainment...
But today I was running on the wild side! HA!
I told myself, as I turned them on, there would be no walking on this run- end of story.
Looking at my training schedule, this week had me running 4, 5, and 11 miles-
11 was out, leaving a 4 or 5 left for the run.
Planning runs are getting easier. I try to add something unexpected in each run to keep it exciting, but It helps when you have a few routes plotted mile-wise, so you can stitch them together to create a great run.
I started up the hill out of our neighborhood, usually a warmup walk- only today keeping my promise to myself, I ran.
It felt good
It felt great.
My plan was to run up College then onto Pinion- but as I ran up college, I felt a strange feeling in my left foot-- like I was running at too much of an angle- extra pressure building on my left side-
I had to make a snap decision-
I changed my course- choosing to turn off into the San Juan College campus.
This was a good choice, the road flattened out.
It felt good.
It felt great.
I started thinking about form and pace.
I'm realizing that, when I first started out running, I really didn't have the muscle tone needed to even begin a run. That is slowly changing. I'm encouraged by the way my body is responding, and can feel myself getting stronger. The more core strength, the better my posture, the more supported my run, the faster and farther I can go.
Speaking of faster and farther, my first mile down, and I was on task to slice away at my usual pace time.
That's when Charlie stopped by-
I remember as a kid getting Charlie Horses, But I forgot how they hurt!
Maybe I didn't drink enough, or stretch enough, or maybe I was pushing my body too hard. For whatever reason, a Charlie Horse was it's response. Wow- did it hurt!
I started to walk, but remembered my promise to run.
I needed a diversion, something to keep me moving, but give me time to work out this pain.
I knew just where to go-
I've run by it often-

'The Shepherdess'
Always reminds me of Psalm 23:
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."
I've heard some runners count, some sing, but whenever I'm needing to get my pace back I say:
All *step*step*step
Things *step*step*step
Through *step*step*step
Christ *step*step*step
Not *step*step*step
Through *step*step*step
My *step*step*step
Self *step*step*step
It worked- I pushed through and picked up the pace-
No walking on this run- end of story!
It felt good.
It felt great.
I shaved a minute off my usual pace for all if my miles but 1!
Note: my pace was still only around 13 min/mile- but for me, this is a milestone- and I celebrate it!
As I wound my way back toward home, I thought about how
setting a simple goal-
and not relying on myself-
helped me through my entire run.
No walking on this run- end of story!
It felt good-
It felt great-

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone