Get Going

Get going.

Just get out and go somewhere.

Some days are like today-
You wake up and your body says NO-

All last week I had this nagging pain in my shin-


Who knows-
Today it told me "don't you dare" ---

So I didn't.

I have come too far to worry about a little walk.

You know what cracks me up about the whole 'running' thing?

This almost 'step-sister' mentality toward walking-

I find myself falling into that trap more often than not- turning my nose up to a perfectly good walk....

Today it was too dark for photos-
Snagged  off computer's "sample picture"file!

  Granted, I realize I'm training for a RUN,
  but if a walk helps me reach my goal- so be it!!!

   But today as I was WALKING :O)
   I thought about all the times people ask:
   "Do you REALLY run?"

   Well, if you want to get particular,
   I guess I could put a new heading
   in Endomondo that said:
   "Walk, Wog, Jog, RUN"

   Because technically, that is what I do-

   But running is sooo much easier to say-

So I looked up my History on Endomondo anyway-

Here's how my typical run looks:

Mile 1- Walk about half a mile, start to Wog

Mile 2 -Wog, Jog and or Run

Mile 3 -Want to walk ( sometimes I do- really working on don't)

Mile 4 -Praise and Hallelujah, I'm through mile 3, bask in the glory-

Mile 5 -Realize I'm still running-freak out and walk (drink & fruit snack 1 or 2 peices)

Mile 6 -Realize that 6 is half of 12, which is almost half of 'a half'-Run like the wind

Mile 7 -Still going- getting tired. (If medium run say 7-9miles,  I'm ok---if longer-stress sets in)

Mile 8- Crazy tired- (fruit snack 1 or 2 peices)

Mile 9- Excited- almost done!

Mile 10-Run

Try not to Walk, most often Wog

Mile 12- Really? did I really just do that?


And that is how far I've run so far.

How far have you gone? (heeheehee)
It only takes one step-

Doesn't really matter if you

Doesn't even matter how far you go-

Just get going-


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