New do and RazzyRoo!

It's amazing how fun a run can be when you have something new-
New route, new mileage, new ---anything!
Today I had two!
1. New hair-
I've been with Val for an eternity- at Hair Worx in Farmington,nm -- (call 8 weeks in advance to even TRY getting in- she's THAT good)
I trust her with my split ends-(and my roots)
she's simply amazing.
We share coffee, we share life.
I always just sit, and let her do her thing-
Yesterday we went SHORT!
My first thought was--- how am I going to run with this hair?
I knew I'd figure it out, because the new do was CUTE!

2. "Funky Runner" headband from
As a 'newbie' runner, gizmos intrigue-- high tech, low tech, doesn't matter- anything to fuel the habit.
I have a laundry list of things I'd like to try/buy-- but at only 5 bucks-- the "Funky Runner" headband was an easy first! (plus the name cracks me up)
So here I was, all geared up- a baby 3 miles to log- and the morning, absolutely devine (I love that you can feel Autumn coming in the mornings now)
I had just finished a Combat Cardio class- so I had to hurry, get the run in and get home before the house woke up.
I chose my easy course, Kiwanis Park - and ran.
I thought I'd be tired having done a cardio group class beforehand, but it actually served well as a good warmup, my 'grove' came quickly-- no rusty start today.
Round and round I went- 6 times in all -
3 miles down, new do and "Funky Runner" making me feel cute!
As I rounded the last lap, the sky lit up with the most amazing clouds-

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I love the "Funky Runner" headbands!