Kayaking? Welcome to the West~

Hit snooze twice on my alarm this morning.  Luckily, my clock is alarmingly fast, making my actual out of bed time 4:45.

No worries, I only had another 4 to tackle.

AND I'd planned ahead and had everything ready.

Oh yeah, "everything ready" to me means;
  • I've forgotten to charge my head phones,
  • Can't find socks,
  • Have to scrounge through the laundry for that running shirt I just plain forgot to wash, but can't live without.


(you know- I HAVE asked for organization EVERY year for Christmas- no one seems to listen)

Funny how these little things become the undoing of me.
Same story in getting the kids out the door for school.
I keep telling myself, "everyone else is competent and able to get with the program- why not you?"

Oh, well I come just as I am.

Hooked up my HUGE oldschool headphones,  stuffed the three miles of chord down my shirt, and headed out.

Endomondo said I was running.

I began my warm up walk and thought about my day.

Today is my "day off" which means everything I didn't do throughout the week, gets to have my attention.

Kate's Birthday
Bright Horizons Recital
change sheets/towels/laundry
sunday dinner
rental apps/showings
our anniversary comming up
carpet spots
mow lawn? (ryan does this task, but it's been fun to surprise him and do it early)

I love the idea of a day off- until you fill it.

Actually, what was really on my mind was the fact that I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY wanted to surprise Molly and pull her out of Kinder for the day to go to our favorite "Mommy and Me" playdate called, Power Hour.

The fun side of me said it was OK-
The mature side me said no-

So here I am, stuck with the reality that my children are growning up.

And then I run-

Surely that will make everything better.
I run for about a half mile, and notice this crazy 'wobbly bruise' feeling in my left shin.

It hurts.

I run-

It hurts.

Aww stuff it- I'm walking-

The walk soothes my body, and my spirit.

I look at Endomondo, 3.5 miles complete......hmmm just like yesterday.  Only today I have time to finish my 4.

Heading toward home, I promise myself not to wait for a "Mommy and Me" playdate to actually play with my children. I promise myself that tomorrow I will RUN- (think it's going to be a trail run!!!!!) I promise to enjoy my day off, and the feeling of accomplishment I feel when my list is complete.

I think I should change my status from running to walking.

Click, Click, Click and it's done-



Fun side of me fights back-

4 miles is 4 miles no matter how you get through them, right?
Click, Click, Click-



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