Post Script

Forgot a few fun running details from yesterday's 9.5miler.

Sky was amazing-

That is one of the main things I noticed, as I'm used to running in the dark.

A 'dark' run brings more caution, you are at a heightened awareness of everything around you, each noise, light, movement has you questioning what could go wrong.

A daytime run is a busy run. Cars and people, the hustle and bustle of life- I didn't like that so much. I hate wondering if the car that just stopped on it's way out a parking lot,
stopped because he saw me-
or because his phone rang.

I loved that I could finally run up college-hood-mesa road. No light posts takes it off the table for a 'dark' run, but perfect for daytime, as there is very little traffic.

Hills are becoming manageable.

I will wear my more supportive Asics for long runs.

Move Free supplements will now be a part of my nighttime routine.

Sunscreen. Duh-----
(yep, I got burned)

Oh, and the most amazing discovery of all-

Capri-suns are perfectly portable if you're wearing a compression shirt!!!!!! No glug, glug, glug- and just right at mile 5-

Happy trails!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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