Christmas Detox Run-13 little miles in my new pureflows-

Christmas has come and gone..
Everything went well
Sunday service was beautiful
My Riley and Molly sang with the children's choir
My Kate sang the solo

Oh but the Krumkake almost didn't make it....

I really needed my mom and grandma-
But with a little help from my littlest molly,
All decked out in her new chef's hat,

We got them done. and they were delicious.
My family back in Minnesota eats them plain.
But Ryan's dad,
That first year I made them so long ago
He just HAD to fill it with whip cream 
Tradition born,
We now fill ours with homemade whip cream- 
Crazy good.

With all that good eating I was feeling fluffy...
I just had to get in a run.
besides--look what my sweetie got me for Christmas!
My sis-in-law Jen and I planned an early morning run

The first few miles were tragic
Sludge running-
Remind me never to eat junky again!

But the company was grand-
We ran and walked and walked and ran
I took her on my route up into the foothills
The hills were harder than ever
Curse you whip cream and Christmas goodies!!!!

Once we hit 7.5 we knew we might as well just make it 13
 And that's just what we did!

The Brooks Pureflow mini review:
*loved them*
To Be Continued................


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