Glade run with Mrs. T

You can't hardly say it without grinning.

Had to say it again,
Let it roll off my tongue till my eyes twinkled.

Ah, there's nothing like a Friday.
Unless it's one of those chopped up Fridays that make your grin waver
As you try to remember the 'to do' list schedule-

Today was just that.

But, no worries-
I had a plan.

I have this habit of wearing my running gear on crazy "free" days-
To remind me I have work to do-

Some days turn into an utter fail-
Subjecting myself to spandex for hours on end, no run in sight.

Others are pure magic.
A stolen run, taken while others would think there was merely time for a coffee break.

Don't worry-
I'm not hardcore enough to forgo coffee....
Just hardcore enough to go through the drive through while I plot a "quickie"-
Quickie run that is-

Today I didn't even have to plot.
A text from my friend- T popped up.
Did I mention she took 3rd for OVERALL women's category-
In her FIRST EVER marathon last month-
Can we call it like it is-

But there she was texting me-

Did I want to go for a run?

Ummmmm yeah!!!!

I had 45-50 minutes to get one in. I text her back,
Heading her way, in hopes she meant....
Right now.

Fly across our tiny town-
Up to her doorstep
Looking anxious and hopeful
Like a girl-scout selling cookies.

She was ready!

We were off.

Did I mentioned she brought along a handsome hunk?!

This is Sentry.
Isn't he magnificent?

And what an enjoyable run it was.
We took a road I'd been dying to take-
Glade- so beautiful.
With a name like that, how could it not be?

We chatted-

It was just plain fun.

I thought we were flying-
But at the same time, felt so comfortable.

We hit the halfway point-
Laugh at Sentry and his silly wonky running gate.


I check endomondo-


Had t really allowed herself to run THAT SLOW?

She did.


It was beautiful.

I will remember this.


Tennille said…
It's genius to wear the running clothes just "in case" of a run. Love it! Going to steal it!
When are we running again?

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