Ghosts and the cure-all

Molly leading the way!
New Mexico sky...

It's been a few days since I've gone on a run.
On my last run, Molly (4) came with me again.
She asked for her shoes---
She simply loves her Brooks!
I guess it's safe to say that is one Christmas present
I don't have to wrap!

The run was fun.
Molly would run about a half lap,
Then wait at the playground for me to lap back around.
Then she'd run her heart out for another half.

I think I just might have a runner on my hands.
It makes me smile just thinking about it....

Then the rest of the week took over.
Hubby's gone on business....
No running.
Writer's block.
No posts.

(twiddling thumbs-----while racing around trying to be "Christmas-y")

Tonight I have a really bad headache

I think it's self induced by all the elementary school party junk
We've downed record amounts of it to get into the Christmas the spirit
Not good.


My kids told me nonchalantly
"Just go for a run"
I laugh,
Can't get Moll out of her Brooks Ghosts!
 I like that they think a run will cure things.
 (because you and I KNOW it will!)

 My mom had called earlier too to chat
 (And mentioned that she noticed
 I hadn't had a post since the 12th)

 Nothing like getting the "get out and run!"
 From both your mom---and your kids
 I love it.

 I want to tell you I got out and ran.
 But I didn't.

 I didn't have it in me to run circles again.

Ahhh but tomorrow's a new day-
Keep you posted.


Tennille said…
Just text me and I will run with you!!!! No more boring circles!

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