Moab Half & spanx~ don't try this at home

DH left for a business trip this afternoon.

One of our last conversations was about signing up for the Moab Half Lottery- it wasn't really a conversation, I kind of just kept asking "can I -can I -can I.."
I think he said yes...

So I got on the horn and texted my sis,
Who texted NMrunnergirl,
Who facebooked S---
And talked to K----
If I'm lucky, and our group gets picked- Maob will be my first Half Marathon race.

I really would love that.

Just thinking about it makes me want to run.
So I did-

Now let me just tell you about my run....

Remembering it was cold-
But also remembering my warm gear was in the wash-
I decided to improvise.

Let's just say that was my first mistake.

I pulled out some footless tights I'd accidentally bought the other day-
Thinking that surely they would make a great base layer-

Ok, these footless tights-
Were the Spanx kind.
No worries, I'm always up for a little compression, right?

After wrestling them on for what seemed like a half marathon,
It was evident that these footless tights were not only Spanxy
But the kind that you're supposed to pull up to your arm-pits.

I should have just ripped them off then and there-
But it had taken so stinking long to get them where they were,

I jogged around the living room-
yep, just what I suspected,
they rolled down.

Now all that extra Spanx material viced its Boa constrictor strength on my middle
I looked like an old lady- wearing a too tight belt
fluff on top
fluff on bottom

and  I couldn't breath.

There is nothing athletic about this picture.

But I have blond roots, and am determined.

Out I went.

Oh, did I mention DH is on a business trip?
I have 3 kiddos?
Can't really run anywhere?

I would run around my block.
How bad can it be?
Block is one big hill-

First go around, I note that 1 time around equals a half mile-
Not bad---
Hill is tough, but what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right?

Round and round I went, til I couldn't breathe for sake of those stupid tights.
Pause Endomondo
Run in-
Check on the kids-
Look for some scissors-
Settle for a knife-
Cut those bad boy tights-
Instant relief-

I just want to run!

Off for a few more rounds.

Hill smiles.......



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