New Program & the Running's Grand!

This weekend has been a blur-

Christmas festivities are taking over.

In the midst of parties and programs, I've started a new training program.

A couple weeks ago on recommendation from my friend T -
I bought the book: Run Faster from the 5k to the Marathon by Brad Hudson
Alot of it made sense
Most of it went over my head

But his concepts of:
Adapting run to body each day
Pushing  limits
Running mileage specific to races-

Really resonated with me

So I photo copied, cut and pasted a chart together
It looks huge and menacing on my fridge

Funny how a silly chart can be all the motivation you need.

I even found myself peddling it to my other running friends
Almost all of whom have been running forever-
Really not in need of advice from a 'newbie' 
But here I was, pushing it anyway...

I was so excited I just couldn't help it.
I just had to spread the word- 

Totally shoved it in NMrunnergirl's 
(Clare's RW Loop name) hands during our kiddos
Christmas program practice.
"Look at my new chart I'm doing!"
"Here's and extra copy!"

I think she graciously stuffed it in her purse,
And mentioned her little guy needed a diaper change.
In her defense he DID have that certain funky smell-

Program practice finished well.
Kids were ready for yet another Nativity Story.

Mary & Joseph
Sheep & Shepherds
The Baby that was God
Come to earth for man

It never does get old
This story of God's provision-
His perfect gift

I can't help but feel renewed.

Shuttle kids home

Find Hubby studying
Must stay quiet

Time for a run-
Kids will join me-

fancy new inspiring chart says 7 easy.

Hmmmm I'm a bit stuck on the word "easy"
Running for me has never felt "easy"
And where could I run 7 miles with kids in tow?

Kiwanis Park it would have to be.
It had a 1/2 mile loop with a playground in the middle.

Kids were full of pent up energy
Ran the whole way

Round and round I went,
Kids cheering me each loop

5 miles passed quickly enough
But the kids' playmates were leaving one by one
Soon my kiddos were the only ones left in the park.

Cold set in.

Older kids were getting restless.

"Only 4 more!"
I yelled, trying to give them hope.

"Aren't you done yet??!"
they yelled back as I rounded the corner for the 12th time.
"Just 1mile left, only 2 more laps!"

The kids were not impressed.

Molly (4) decided she'd help.

"I'll run with you mommy, I'm fast."
And run she did.

She ran well for half a lap
complained about her shoes--
I thought of her Christmas present,
Told her not to worry,
Maybe she'd get better running shoes soon.

"Whoo Hooo!"
She screamed.
So full of happiness, this little runner of mine

Oh yeah, we got the miles in.

molls helping me run just 1 more mile


Tennille said…
I'm so proud of you! I love these programs! Can't decide which one I should start next....

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