Sunday Snow

Sundays are special-

A sabbath of sorts-
Rest from the busyness of life,
To take time to worship.

Church and family recharge me.

This tradition of rest spills into my running schedule too-

Set apart for a Sunday walk.

I relish this time.
Non- running friends join me.
I love how a walk is accessible.
No pace worries here.

Snow fell in whispers on our walk today.

It's feathery crystals shimmering all around-

Even the old bridge looked magical.

We walk.
The air takes my breath away
Crisp, brisk-
However you describe it,
It's wondrous.

War Memorial
We pass the War Memorial.
The air is still.
The flags glow in the winter sky-
We linger longer
Proud of those who gave all.

A glorious walk-

The beauty of a Sunday snow........

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Debbie said…
Thank you--you described exactly how I feel about Sundays and our walks. It was a beautiful day, yesterday and a great way to start the Lord's Day.
Heather said…
I absolutely love our Sunday walks-
Looking forward to next weeks-
Who knows, maybe we'll see that Elk!

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