Snail trail~

It's funny how the kids and I look forward to break
And then get so out of whack while we're in it

Today was dresser clean out day....
Clothes everywhere
Kids telling me

Bags of hand-me-downs.....

Then we tackled the "lonely sock" bag
It had gotten out of hand- all plump and overflowing
Hours of mindlessly matching forgotten socks...


I needed a run.

Got ready to head out
And did
Even got halfway down the block

But felt dead inside
Why was I out in the gorgeous day
While my kids sat happy to just TV vege?

I turned around, ran back up the block
Into the house
And told the kids to get their shoes on!

They looked at me in disbelief

A little bewildered to leave Phineas and Ferb behind,
But somewhat interested in a run with mom...
They obliged.

Out we went
I felt happy and alive

Look at me world!
I'm taking my kids running!!!!!!

We ran up and out the neighborhood.
Such excitement~ me and my brood~

Then we turned the corner,
And my oldest was done.

"I'm tired"
"How long is this going to take?"
Kate, my 11 year old said

"Not long~ It will be fun!"
I said, trying to convince her.

I could tell already~this was going to be a hard sell~
How could I keep their interest up?

"Anybody want to go 'off road'?"

My son Riley (8) was game
Molly chimed in she wanted to too....
Kate, not so much~

We did anyway-

Short cutting our way through our subdivision,
I knew just where we should head next.

Lions Wilderness Park
My favorite scenic run...
Surely that would save the day.

So we went.
It was hard, slow going
Riley and Molly ran from light post to light post
Then waited for me and Kate

I so wanted Kate to enjoy running
The younger kids came by it naturally enough

I wanted to be patient...
I could tell it was hard work for her.
Reminded me of those first days when I decided I would run.

Hard work
Not fun

Please let her love this.....
Please let her love this....
I held her hand.
That was the moment she softened.

On we went.

The park did not disappoint.
Seeing them love it like I did made me so proud.
We wandered

The way back was fun,
We talked about going earlier next time
So we could stay longer.

Our first 5 mile hike.


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