
Last night I told myself-
I would run in the morning.

Morning came-
Hit snooze once-

About to go for round three-
When the most ridiculous country song woke me....
Nothing like a good wail and croon to get you out of bed.

I peeked out the window-
Not a snow day-
Kids would be bummed-

But it did look cold-


The sparkling ground distracts me-
I try to capture it's light.

But it can't be done.

I realize the cold is closing in-
My mind won't rest til I know just how cold this cold is-

This is New Mexico?

My mind is going a million directions-

Thinking about childhood Christmases in Minnesota-
Snow as tall as tall....

Then on to the realization that I have Christmas shopping left-
And mail to post-
And a camel costume to make-


I fiddle with my phone-
Christmas music!
That's the ticket.

But all Pandora would give me were sad slow depressing Christmas-

Why is it when you're in the car you get obnoxious 'dance' Christmas,
But when you run its

Or even better-

It just wouldn't quit!
After the Vienna Boys Choir tried to serenade me,
I had to call it

And not a moment too soon-
Got a text from DH

I wanted to txt back
"no I'm dying out here"

But I didn't


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