Monday, October 21st I ran today- Chose Berg Park I'd been seeing others' photos of the park Pop up on Instagram, Each shot A familiar spot Running memories Are you like that? You'll be driving along Minding your own business And a running memory So powerful Hits you And you're back To that one Training run It's like a homesick feeling Deep in your gut Only you're not sad You're j ust wishing You were there a gain To live the moment over Berg Park pictures do that to me too So today I ran it No Garmin No Endomondo Just me The trail And everyone else that felt Drawn here today Walkers Runners Mommas with strollers Puppies Always magic here The running was easy I wondered why I'd waited so long To just be And Run for the thrill of it I miss the days when 7 miles seemed impossible And 5 made me feel like a rockstar When friends joined in on a weekend Group run And ended with coffee When I didn't know any be...
Its happening... you can feel it in the air You can see it in the way the sun hits the grasses on the side of the road Hear it when you open your door and the kids are outside playing It's running weather... I know you feel it too. That feeling that you get when you have to lace up and get out It's been a while though A long while... Hesitation sets in, you second guess You tell yourself it's probably nothing Probably procrastination from some more pressing projects on your plate. But I can't shake it... So I ran. and walked. and ran some more... and took a few pics to commemorate the beginning of the season. Running Season.
Saturday, October 1st, 2011 I ran my 13.1 The night before, the excitement was almost unbearable. Sick to my stomach excited. Pep talking my way through the course in my mind, I wandered through my day almost in a fog. But this morning, I was calm. No emotion. This has happened to me before, and last time flat scared me. It didn't scare me this time, though, just a feeling of nothingness. I ate granola, drank a small Gatorade, water. I stuffed my pockets with fruit snacks, baby juice box in my compression shirt. Two more juice boxes would be stashed along the first leg of my run to find at the end. warm up walk out the neighborhood- It is 5:35- It is dark. All week long I'd mulled over a route for this run. Then yesterday night I realized I wasn't planning for the dark... I was in denial. I even googled the sunrise, and found the sun wouldn't even begin to show it's face 'til after 6:30, with an official rise after 7. College and High s...