wogging is offensive-

Ok troops-

I've got a job for you.
It seems my seemingly witty word 'wog' is offensive.

For some reason, people over in Australia use that term in a derogatory way-
Silly Aussies, are you really that mean?

But yes, it is google-able,
Yes, it is derogatory
And mean

And my blog title has always been:
Running Wogging & the Glass Half Full


Just know that if I ever use the term,
I say I'm wogging- which is totally different
It is a euphemism for walk/jogging

Not that I even need the term anymore...
I'm on my way to being semi-wicked-fast!

Kind of.......


Do I really have to say that I


Can I be honest?

I'm offended by the term jog-

I have instant Jazzercise photo trauma

Say it isn't so!
Now I'm really going to have to work on that pace----

Just how fast does one have to go before they can honestly say they are running?


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