Are You Good Enough?

Today something happened
Something I've been thinking about for quite awhile
Something that needed to happen

Seems like when you
Tell a friend you've been running
You get a response like this:

I'm not fast enough
I'm not fit enough
I'm not young enough
I'm not-------------------

You name it.

So now a group of your friends have this crazy love
While other friends are left feeling out

Who says you have to be fast?
Who says you have to be fit?
Who says you have to be young?

Cause I want to know
So I can punch them in the face.

I used to feel that way,
Still do if I let myself
Not good enough

Today we fought back
And won
With a choreographed run/walk

One group did a long run
One group did a shorter run
And we all met in the middle
Where we joined another group to do a walk

Being good Baptists that we are,
We chose to end our trek
With coffee

My sis-in-law Jill
Offered to really go the distance
And make breakfast next time
HA! (now THAT is tempting)

I learned so much today
Two of my "newbies" had run before-
One in highschool/college,
The other to lose weight after baby #2
Their children now grown, and off to college
They ran like it was just yesterday

Friends that hadn't run much
Save a few treadmill dashes
Found that they had nothing to fear


We did it all

Surely this is the start of something good


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