Running Blind

Tuesday found me back on the treadmill

I'm resigned to the fact that
At least once a week
You'll find me here.

Today's running horiscope
Brought to you by Brad Hudson
Thankfully says
"Easy 5"

Ahhhh the guilty pleasure

I pick my machine
Rev up the old engine
And we're off

Chugging right along
When it hits me
I'm burning up
About to die
Panic attack

Must de-layer

For those of you who don't know me
I NEVER go sleevless

I'm on the solid side of fluffy

But today I was about to die from heat exhaustion
Do I dare de-layer a shirt?
No worries-
I wear 2-3 tank tops under -
And not the strappy kind either
I dare-
And now I'm running sleeveless
Oh my!

Must say-
It's silly
Wouldn't have ever dared to do that
Had it not been for my running girl-friends
Egging me on to join in on their pushup challenge

Amazing the confidence a week of pushups gives
Even though I know results take much longer-

In my past life
I'd have just fainted in a pool of my own sweat!

Panic attack averted
I start to notice other things that bother me

The fact that I CANNOT get away from people
Why must people take the machine RIGHT next to you?
Why must they wear old lady perfume?
Do they really HAVE to snap & pop their gum?

On and on it goes
I try to count
Not a numbers kind of gal
I find myself just randomly picking a number
Starting your count at 56
Seems daring

Although 82 was absolutely thrilling
I picked it twice

Somewhere between counts 82-210
I noticed I was getting dizzy
My glasses jiggle around when I run the treadmill

Once you notice something like that
You can't shake it

Off they came
Now I was running blind

Can't say I didn't like it
Something tempting about running blind
You feel almost like you're asleep
Or in that dreamy state of just waking up
Makes a run not soooo bad

And you can't see the silly
30 something teenager wannabees
Flaunting what I'm sure they think
Passes for buff~
I'd like to see them try to run in that.....

Glasses on
Glasses off
Txt blasts about Moab Canyonlands Half!!!!!
Are all rooms REALLY booked already?

Run .............


Tennille said…
Check out vacation rentals instead of a hotel for Moab.

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