New Year's Traditions

So I'm relaxing around the house this afternoon
When it dawns on me.....

I haven't run any miles at all this year.

Can't have that!
Haha-Happy New Year to me.....

Heading out,
Say to myself,
Think I  just started me a New Year's tradition!

First 2 miles were a bit sloggy
Chose my Asics Gel Nimbus-
Don't know why-
Maybe I felt sorry for them
Sitting in my closet
Holes in the toes
Next to my flashy Brooks
Cascadias & Flows

But there I was rounding out mile 3
And they felt good.

Since I was running 'old school' shoes
Why not an old route?


7.5 miles down in the books for 2012

Now off to another New Year's Tradition~
Dinner at the Chavez's-
Menu: Prime Rib

I just love traditions.


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