Planning Ahead- Don't Look Back

Seems like the thing to do this time of year is look back and reminisce~

So I did-
And it shocked me.

My first documented run was June 28th, 2011
2.01 miles

Am I a "newbie" or what!

So my total for less than 6 months of fun is:



Plans for 2012

So far all I have on the books is Moab Canyonlands Half in March

Get leaner
Get faster

The first
Is a huge struggle for me.
 40lbs over weight.
Love for running to be the "magic bullet"
But so far it's not happened.

That's OK
I feel great, and know that my body just doesn't believe me yet

The second
Is a huge monkey on my back.
Must get faster!!!!

One thing's for sure-
Can't wait to see what 2012 holds.........................


Tennille said…
Hadn't read this one....missed it somehow until tonight.
You are absolutely awesome. I would love to look at how many total miles run in the last 6 months...totally cool idea!
The scale doesn't matter. It's all about how you feel. If your goal is to get faster and you keep running like you have been, then you will get faster....and leaner.

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