
It snowed!!!!
Being a Minnesotan
Living in New Mexico-
Snow is newsworthy

This morning
As I drove the kids to school
I educated them

"This is a dry snow"
I said
"Dry snow blows because it's light and airy"
They were in awe of my
Snow knowledge

Encouraged by their rapt attention-
I continued
"Now if dry snow lasts-
It can turn into greasy snow"

I made the sound 'greasy' snow makes
And warn of the dangers
Temperature fluctuations could bring
Black ice

Then dialogue on:
Wet snow
Sticky snow
Sticky sticky -no sticky
You get the picture
I was on fire!

They tired of the subject long before I did
And started their own conversation
While I reminisced out loud about
Snow up to the door posts
April blizzards
Icicles from roof to ground
Ahhh snow-

I was a little put out
Snow came on a work day
What fun a snow run would be-
But work ended when Moll's
School day did.
And she's not game for a 5 miler.
I was relegated to a gym workout
And I was resigned NOT to run a treadmill.

Don't know why the angst today

Simply wanted to swim

A swim for me is like holiday

A slow smooth stroke
Can't even do a proper kick
Frog legs for me

Like therapy
The water soothes and calms

Really wanted that swim----
But in the back of my mind
That nagging chart with unfinished miles
Tread mill?

Quickly drove home
Threw on running gear

Picked up Moll's
Back to the gym
Treadmill chosen

Press quick start

Annnnnnnd we're offfffff!

About mile 2
Dawned on me
I need the treadmill

You see
My attention span is paper thin


On my road runs
I stop for photos
Take detour trails
Fun fun fun

Need to work those
Frog legs of mine
No stopping
No slowing
Move it, move it, move it

Yes, it's a cheat
I get it
Sooooo many runners look down on the tread

Like treading water
It's not really great for a race
But oh so good for building stamina

And with that,
My work was done
Only one thing left

Slow smooth

Who says you can't have it all!


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