"Read Me"

I hands down love blogging
It let's me hold a run in my heart
I also love a great post~
So, today I thought I'd highlight
A few of my favorites

Click on the highlight to be taken to each post

First up is one of the first blog posts that inspired me-
Rachel is a gifted photographer
Turned Marathoner as a surprise for her sister's birthday-
Surprise as in -didn't tell a soul -
Save her honey and a few close running pals-
The result was a runner overflowing
Words and feelings that had no outlet-
She had to "secret" blog the whole training-
The result: a beautiful inspiring post,
Diary of the Marathon 
Gave me the mantra
"I can do hard things"

Then there's that first post
That made me cry
By Pennsy
How My First Half Made Me Whole
I really enjoy Pennsy's writing style
It's real-

Shayne's Sunday Service
aka OK_Shane
Is a must read
(I subscribe to his Sunday posts!)
The post I linked to here
Is especially encouraging if you're like me
Anxious about pace....

The next post
Not a running blog,
But oh so applicable
A friend of mine posted this yesterday
Comparison is the Thief of Joy
Made me realize that we are each other's heroes
Never forget that.

What about the utterly hysterical posts
Oh I love a silly fun post
I've been searching for days trying to find this next one---

So please sit back and laugh
Cracked me up with her post
Have You Seen My Compression Sock

And the post I'm TRYING to find-but just can't
Been searching for a silly WEEK now
Argggg just can't find it!
Anybody on the loop remember the post
You know- the one about
Going into a running store....
Totally feeling out of place
Scrawny running store workers
Looking at you like
Like you're not supposed to be there
(except for the fact you run CRAZY bunches of  miles each week)
Man- it was a good post, funny too
Think they offer some massive support shoe as an option
Just can't find it.
Please someone from the Loop help me out

And WHY oh heaven's why can't I read
Garbonzo a gogo's old blog posts????
I'm a bit put out that I can't pull up ANY of his old posts
On the account of there being
No 'Blog' tab when I'm on his profile

What about you?
Do you have a favorite post?
Favorite blog?

Post a link!


Dorina said…
Hey Heather... I don't have a blog about running, but I did start a blog if you want to read it. I just started in January. It's www.dorinasjourney.blogspot.com

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