Sissy Run~

Sis-in-law Jen and I were planning
Another 13 mile run today.

Ran out of  my usual hydration choice (Capri Suns)
Must resort to the Camel Back.

A little apprehensive-
Remembering my last attempt
Glug, glug, glug

My friend Natalie gave me some pointers
I'd yet to try so it wouldn't slosh around

I also really don't like the plastic taste
The water takes on when it's in the pack....

So today I improvised-
I added EmergenC powder

Have to say, this had pleasant results
Not too bland, not to sweet,
And a bit of whatever it is that makes
EmergenC powder so EmergenC-ish

Jen & me-why do I always have a cheesy grin?
Up and out-
We decided to stay around town
Pinion Hills to Dustin

We walked about half a mile
Then picked up the pace
felt good...

Running along
Walking a bit here and there

Almost to Dustin
We saw a runner headed towards us.
We knew it had to be our brother-in-law
Crazy runner Mike-
The man with nearly 25 marathons under his belt
man can he flat run!

Of course he caught us walking.
Smile and wave
He flies by

Running again,
lest we let someone else catch us walking
We soldier on

That's when we get an idea-
Mike's out running-
Why not run to his house
And grab his honey Jill
(our other Sis-in-law)
To go with us?

We know it will be tricky
She's not "a runner"
(what does that even mean anyway)
She's really going to have to trust us
And we're going to have to persuade her it will be fun.

I text her
Jen texts her
The Tag team texting works!
We're picking her up in 10!!!

Three sister-in-laws!

Our run turned into a walk...
But we didn't care.
We'd finally gotten Jill to join us!

We had an absolute hilarious time.

Climbed up huge hills
Even coerced Jill to try a jog down
Who knows....
Maybe this run will be the one that reels her in.

Ran across this lovely bridge
That weirdly sits next to a skate park 

There's just something about a skate park
That brings out the crazy

I did some 'hill' repeats
Running up
That half pipe was MINE!

We tried to look tough
Shot some crazy 'skater' poses

OK epic fail on looking tough
We did however manage to take the saddest 'Charlie's Angels' shot I've ever seen

And NO we don't look ANYTHING like those shadows in real life!

A great walk/run/walk/hike/laugh fest

A great time with my sister-in-laws

Final mileage: Endomondo said 7.91
(although, to be honest-I think it was really about 7.5)

Did I mention
Mike bought us all Starbucks when we were done??????


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