Run- Stop- Sigh........

Sunrise was breathtaking
Our walk through the park
Found us stopping
To soak in the beauty
And try our hand at capturing it-

That was at 6:30-am

At 3:00pm we were back
NMRunnerGirl and her friend Hilary
My sis-in-law and her daughter Kailey (5)
I had Molly (4) in tow too!

I just signed the family up for a fun run in February
If you are from our neck of the woods (farmington, NM)
Sign up! (it's free!!!!)

Going to try to get the kiddos out
To log a few miles
So the Fun Run is just that when it gets here.

Molly is a sprinter
Then a 'stopper'

It's sooo funny to see her
All out 'gun it'
Then down-right refuse to move another step.

Funny, as in, now that it's Monday
Yesterday, not so much

I've had a bit of a nagging back
And yesterday the back added a hip ache

Pesky- these aches can be

Exacerbated by stopping and starting
I didn't find as much joy in the exercise
I kept trying to 'fix' her.
"Run like mommy-" I kept saying
"Slow and steady..wiggle woggle"
I said trying to make up a nonsense word
To make my approach sound fun.





Halfway through
I saw my sis-in law Jen with her
Her sweet patience and encouragement for Kailey

Made me see the error of my ways

I remembered my first few training runs
Some short 6 months ago
Looked an awful lot like Molly's run today




I picked up my Moll's
Carried her on my back
Carried her on my shoulders

Put her back down
Set her free

She ran.......................


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