Hill Repeats & The Secret Trail

Remember yesterday?
Shoulder a mess....
Pain, pain, pain~

Barely eeked out a walk.
(on that skinny excuse for a sidewalk)

Well, tonight I must say,
I'm still in pain.
But it's the good kind.

Got in those hill repeats!

Last night,
I was feeling like I needed help
That's not like me

Usually I ignore
Make excuses
Until the feeling's gone

But last night
I knew I needed help.

So I sent out a txt blast to all my running buddies

Anybody want to run hill repeats????

NMrunnergirl (aka Clare)
Had a noon run on the books
With Runningmommaof2 (aka Jen)

Steph had a chiro and hair appt

I just realized that I didn't txt Katie
(Katie, if you read this, I need your #)

Tennille came through
And said she'd do hills with me!!!

(For which I gave a huge sigh of relief
I don't have the faintest idea how to DO hill repeats)

We met at 8:30ish am
Chilly, but not bad

We ran an easy 2ish miles
During those 2 miles
Tennille coached me on breathing
And the basic approach to hill repeats

On we ran
To a quaint neighborhood I'd never seen before
Hill was not daunting...
I was a bit more sure of myself than I should have been
How bad can this long slope of a hill be anyway?

Up I sprinted
My goal of a 45 second sprint got cut in half
Tennille flew past

Walk/jogged back down

Up I sprinted
My goal of a 45 second sprint got cut in half
Tennille flew past

Walk/jogged back down

Six times in all.

Hard fun work.
I felt like I could almost puke

At the beginning of our run,
Tennille told me we would end with a trail.
And that's just what we did.

This trail is very curious
You have to KNOW where it is to find it

I felt like I was a kid,
Stumbling upon a secret road
That lead,
Who knows where,
Just follow it
See where it takes you.

It weaved it's way above the houses
And roads,
Trees and undergrowth,
Stone outcroppings with moss
This is not New Mexico
Surely we trekked
Somewhere far far away.

And then,
It landed us
Back down to earth
To the road we knew well.

I wonder if she felt a bit of a sigh
Letting me see that secret trail.

It was wonderful.

Run back felt good
I felt stronger - in an odd way-

I think it was the hills
Or the magic secret trail...
Who knows.

Back to life..
One must.

So we did.
Lattes and cinnamon rolls
From Andrea Kristina's~

I could get used to this~


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