On The Short List----Celery!

Getting excited about my training-
Nothing like a little work to make a run have purpose-

Today was ladder intervals,
Sandwiched between easy 2's

Planned an early morning run-
But cozy covers and hum of a heater lulled me back to sleep.

Lunches made-
Kids to school-

Now I can run

Started off easily enough
Went a different route to keep it fresh

2 easy miles

That was my first task

Easy for me means SLOW

I used this time to work on my breathing...

I am notorious for huffing and puffing
Like a coal fired steam engine
Coughing and hacking my way through

My friend, Tennille had given me pointers on breath control-
Crazy how little adjustments make for a more comfortable run.

But towards the end of mile 2
My energy was gone-

I still had ladders to do

I went to Kiwanis Park

Intervals were to be sprints of 1, 2, & 3 minutes with jog breaks in between

I kept it simple and picked landmarks to run to.

All I could think was how fun this exercises would be with friends.
Old fashioned game of tag, anyone?

Finishing out my run with my remaining "easy" 2
Read: walk----again----*sigh*
I tried to think what the fatigue could be from
Here's the short list:


More- Hydration
Preferably water..

Better- fuel
Thinking more whole foods, less processed

More- sleep
Notorious for 1am blogging
Curfew might be in order here.

How I got in a run without a photo is beyond me

So I leave you with a candid shot of my littlest, Molly
Tonight she was pretending
To be Linny,
The celery eating Guinea Pig
From Wonder Pets.....

I let her bring celery to the mall
I'm flat proud of her penchant
For veggie eating----


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